My Story
"When I realized I should be a DJ, I was climbing back up from one of the lowest points in my life. Circumstances out of my control had caused my social and work life to be upended and without much money I was forced to make a humbling decision. I moved into my mom's house and found myself living in her basement. At that point in my life I had no shortage of time to sit with my thoughts. I had to make a decision: wallow in self-pity, or start over. My faith in God made the decision easy, time to hit the reset button.
Through prayer and with the help of allies I had reunited with from the past, I had one of those eye-opening "a-ha" moments: I should become a DJ. I had made the connection that all of my God-given talents would make me a successful DJ. I had a deep understanding and love for music of all genres. I was comfortable with computers and technology. I was at ease speaking in front of crowds. The list goes on and on. I knew what I needed to do.
My very first event was a Sweet 16 Masquerade Ball and I was using borrowed church sound equipment to make it happen. The feedback was positive and most thought I had been DJing for years prior. Days later I went out and bought my own gear on credit, trusting that God would provide future gigs, and He did. The rest as they say, is history."